Sunday, February 23, 2014

Grand STS Everly Hotel!

Hi peeps!

Hehehe, I've just went an amazing event here in Everly Hotel, Putrajaya. It's Herbalife Grand Success Training Seminar. Now, what does it make so grand?

It's because all of the speakers are PRESIDENT'S TEAM MEMBERS in HERBALIFE!!!

This is the first time that they gathered all the PT members as speakers in STS. It's truly amazing!!

Although, I arrived a little bit late, and I missed Kapt (B) Mohd. Saiful and Maryam Izzati when it was their turn. But never mind, I managed to listen the rest of it.

Guest speaker for today was Pak Vitus and Mbak Ela. They flew from Indonesia just to inspire us here with their Herbalife journey. Pak Vitus once 'smuggle' kuih lapis, Mbak Ela swiped her husband (Pak Vitus) credit card to be supervisor in Herbalife, and nearly got divorced. Hahaha, it was chaos at that time. But she managed to prove to her husband, she can do it, and she really did!

Near end of the event, all non-sv were called upon onto the stage, to declare themselves to be sv by this month. Including me. In shaa Allah, may Allah ease my efforts to help more people. Amin.

Alright, I need to take my rest for now. Mentally and physically exhausted.

Good night peeps!

The Resuscitation of Blog

Wooooooooooooooooooo years had passed since I last update my blog. The last one was like in 2009, while I was in my matriculation college in Labuan.

Well, along these years (2009-2014), I had few ups and downs. It's life. Life is not life without it, right peeps?

So, I finished my matriculation in 2009, in Biological Science. I stepped in university life in the same year too, and I've got myself into Management & Science University in Shah Alam, doing Degree in Biomedical Science. hehe, I love biology. Wonderful memories were created there. Met friends here and there. They're the best of kind!! XD

Fast forward, fast forward!!

Early January 2013, I officially graduated (yay to me!!). And I decided to do my master's degree. Well, 'coz I heard master's student has a higher chance to get hired and they'll pay more. Hehehe, so yeah. I end up in UiTM Puncak Alam.

I actually got offered to be a Research Assistant in Faculty of Health Science in UiTM, then will be registering for my master on the next semester. Making long story short, I felt some.....I don't know how to make it in words but it's like I have no 'sparks' there. So, I decided to quit, and migrated to the next block, which is the Faculty of Pharmacy, and had my Master in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Although they paid me not as much as previous one, but I felt a bit relaxed environment (I just don't like working under stress, well who does? >.> )

Time flies, and by the time I'm writing this, I'm already entering into my 3rd semester. Wew, this research is getting harsh on my day by day. Truthfully, I was a bit in fragile situation few days ago, until a friend of mine said to me something, and 'pooff' "faith in research restored". So, now I'm back to research mode. I'll finish this master's degree as soon as possible. A very big THANKS to all my seniors in the lab. They had been very helpful and friendly to me. *grin*

Ok peeps. It's 0049 GMT+8 here. And I need to get enough rest for today.

From now on, I'll try to be an active blogger. Watch out for my next blog :D


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